Festivals Festivals Map Newsletter

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kids craft rainbow of construction paper
Calender Icon
May 19th, 2024
12:00am until 4:00pm
Place Icon
Star of Bethlehem
123 W Lehigh St, Bethlehem, PA 18018
( Bethlehem | Lehigh County )

The Details:

The Star of Bethlehem Festival for Kids educates children in art, science and the performing arts. Our mission is to showcase and celebrate the diversity, culture and spirit of our community while providing learning experiences for children through hands-on participation. Enjoy a fun-filled day with live entertainment, raffles and giveaways, food vendors, crafting, learning, and much more.

Do you operate or promote this festival, Star of Bethlehem Festival for Kids?

Let us know so that we can get control in your hands. Email us and we will get started.