Privacy Policy
This website is run by PaMidstate Media a registered entity in the state of Pennsylvania.
Our postal address is:
PaMidstate Media
Post Office Box 626
Boiling Springs, PA 17007
We can be reached via e-mail at
PaMidstate Media understands your right to know what information is collected during your visit to our site and how the information is used and safeguarded.
PaMidstate Media's web server automatically recognizes only the domain name, but not the e-mail address, of anyone who visits our site. We only collect raw data about the number of people to access our pages.
We only collect email addresses when you specifically communicate with PaMidstate Media, either through our Mailing List which visitors take the initiative to be placed on such list, or through basic correspondence with any of our web designers. Any person will be removed from a PaMidstate Media mailing list at their request.
User e-mail addresses will NEVER be sold.
If you leave your postal address in any correspondence, you may receive periodic mailings. If you do not wish to receive such mailings, please let us know by sending e-mail to us at the above email address, calling us at the above telephone number or writing to us at the above address and specify in your request that you do not want to receive mailings from our company.
Persons who leave their telephone numbers on-line may receive telephone contact regarding an order that has been placed or information requested. We will not telemarket to anyone who has not asked to be contacted.